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Read on to see the many state and private school English & Language Arts learning standards met by Junior Author Camps.
Thinking about the writing
The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.
3.8 analyze the authors' choices and how they influence meaning; apply author's craft purposefully in writing and speaking
The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.
3.11A plan a first draft by selecting a genre for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as brainstorming, freewriting, and mapping
3.11B develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by:
3.11B.1 organizing with purposeful structure, including an introduction and a conclusion 3.11B.2 developing an engaging idea with relevant details
3.11C revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging ideas for coherence and clarity
3.11D edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
3.11D.1 complete simple and compound sentences with subject‐verb agreement
3.11D.2 past, present, and future verb tense
3.11D.3 singular, plural, common, and proper nouns
3.11D.4 adjectives, including their comparative and superlative forms
3.11D.5 adverbs that convey time and adverbs that convey manner
3.11D.6 prepositions and prepositional phrases
3.11D.7 pronouns, including subjective, objective, and possessive cases
3.11D.8 coordinating conjunctions to form compound subjects, predicates, and sentences
3.11D.9 capitalization of official titles of people, holidays, and geographical names and places
3.11D.10 punctuation marks, including apostrophes in contractions and possessives, commas in compound sentences, and items in a series
3.11D.11 correct spelling of words with grade‐appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and high‐frequency words
3.11E publish written work for appropriate audiences
3.11F write complete words, thoughts, and answers legibly in cursive leaving appropriate spaces between words
The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
3.12A compose literary texts, including personal narratives and poetry, using genre characteristics and craft
3.12B compose informational texts, including brief compositions that convey information about a topic, using a clear central idea and genre characteristics and craft
3.12C compose argumentative texts, including opinion essays, using genre characteristics and craft
3.12D compose correspondence such as thank you notes or letters
Thinking About the Writing
The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.
4.8 analyze the authors' choices and how they influence meaning; apply author's craft purposefully in writing and speaking
The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.
4.11A plan a first draft by selecting a genre for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as brainstorming, freewriting, and mapping
4.11B develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by:
4.11B.1 organizing with purposeful structure, including an introduction, transitions, and a conclusion
4.11B.2 developing an engaging idea with relevant details
4.11C revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging ideas for coherence and clarity
4.11D edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
4.11D.1 complete simple and compound sentences with subject‐verb agreement and avoidance of splices, run‐ons, and fragments
4.11D.2 past tense of irregular verbs
4.11D.3 singular, plural, common, and proper nouns
4.11D.4 adjectives, including their comparative and superlative forms
4.11D.5 adverbs that convey frequency and adverbs that convey degree
4.11D.6 prepositions and prepositional phrases
4.11D.7 pronouns, including reflexive
4.11D.8 coordinating conjunctions to form compound subjects, predicates, and sentences
4.11D.9 capitalization of historical periods, events, and documents; titles of books; stories and essays; and languages, races, and nationalities
4.11D.10 punctuation marks, including apostrophes in possessives, commas in compound sentences, and quotation marks in dialogue
4.11D.11 correct spelling of words with grade‐appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and high‐frequency words
4.11E publish written work for appropriate audiences
4.11F write legibly in cursive to complete assignments
The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
4.12A compose literary texts such as personal narratives and poetry using genre characteristics and craft
4.12B compose informational texts, including brief compositions that convey information about a topic, using a clear central idea and genre characteristics and craft
4.12C compose argumentative texts, including opinion essays, using genre characteristics and craft
4.12D compose correspondence that requests information
Thinking About the Writing
The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.
5.8 analyze the authors' choices and how they influence meaning; apply author's craft purposefully in writing and speaking.
The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.
5.11A plan a first draft by selecting a genre for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as brainstorming, freewriting, and mapping
5.11B develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by:
5.11B.1 organizing with purposeful structure, including an introduction, transitions, and a conclusion
5.11B.2 developing an engaging idea reflecting depth of thought with specific facts and details
5.11C revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging ideas for coherence and clarity
5.11D edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
5.11D.1 complete simple and compound sentences with subject‐verb agreement and avoidance of splices, run‐ons, and fragments
5.11D.2 past tense of irregular verbs
5.11D.3 collective nouns
5.11D.4 adjectives, including their comparative and superlative forms 5.11D.5 conjunctive adverbs
5.11D.6 prepositions and prepositional phrases and their influence on subject‐verb agreement 5.11D.7 pronouns, including indefinite
5.11D.8 subordinating conjunctions to form complex sentences
5.11D.9 capitalization of abbreviations, initials, acronyms, and organizations
5.11D.10 italics and underlining for titles and emphasis and punctuation marks, including quotation marks in dialogue and commas in compound and complex sentences
5.11D.11 correct spelling of words with grade‐appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and high‐frequency words
5.11E publish written work for appropriate audiences
5.11F write legibly in cursive
The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
5.12A compose literary texts such as personal narratives, fiction, and poetry using genre characteristics and craft
5.12B compose informational texts, including brief compositions that convey information about a topic, using a clear central idea and genre characteristics and craft
5.12C compose argumentative texts, including opinion essays, using genre characteristics and craft
5.12D compose correspondence that requests information
Thinking About the Writing
The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances
6.8 analyze the authors' choices and how they influence meaning; apply author's craft purposefully in writing and speaking.
The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.
6.11A plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as discussion, background reading, and personal interests
6.11B develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by:
6.11B.1 organizing with purposeful structure, including an introduction, transitions, coherence within and across paragraphs, and a conclusion
6.11B.2 developing an engaging idea reflecting depth of thought with specific facts and details
6.11C revise drafts for clarity, development, organization, style, word choice, and sentence variety
6.11D edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
6.11D.1 complete complex sentences with subject‐verb agreement and avoidance of splices, run‐ons, and fragments
6.11D.2 consistent, appropriate use of verb tenses
6.11D.3 conjunctive adverbs
6.11D.4 prepositions and prepositional phrases and their influence on subject‐verb agreement 6.11D.5 pronouns, including relative
6.11D.6 subordinating conjunctions to form complex sentences and correlative conjunctions such as either/or and neither/nor
6.11D.7 capitalization of proper nouns, including abbreviations, initials, acronyms, and organizations
6.11D.8 punctuation marks, including commas in complex sentences, transitions, and introductory elements
6.11D.9 correct spelling, including commonly confused terms such as its/it's, affect/effect, there/their/they're, and to/two/too
6.11E publish written work for appropriate audiences
The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
6.12A compose literary texts such as personal narratives, fiction, and poetry using genre characteristics and craft
6.12B compose informational texts, including multi‐paragraph essays that convey information about a topic, using a clear controlling idea or thesis statement and genre characteristics and craft
6.12C compose multi‐paragraph argumentative texts using genre characteristics and craft 6.12D compose correspondence that reflects an opinion, registers a complaint, or requests information in a business or friendly structure
Thinking about writing
The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.
7.8 analyze the authors' choices and how they influence meaning; apply author's craft purposefully in writing and speaking
The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.
7.11A plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as discussion, background reading, and personal interests
7.11B develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by:
7.11B.1 organizing with purposeful structure, including an introduction, transitions, coherence within and across paragraphs, and a conclusion
7.11B.2 developing an engaging idea reflecting depth of thought with specific facts, details, and examples
7.11C revise drafts for clarity, development, organization, style, word choice, and sentence variety
7.11D edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
7.11D.1 complete complex sentences with subject‐verb agreement and avoidance of splices, run‐ons, and fragments
7.11D.2 consistent, appropriate use of verb tenses and active and passive voice
7.11D.3 conjunctive adverbs
7.11D.4 prepositions and prepositional phrases and their influence on subject‐verb agreement 7.11D.5 pronoun‐antecedent agreement
7.11D.6 subordinating conjunctions to form complex sentences and correlative conjunctions such as either/or and neither/nor
7.11D.7 correct capitalization
7.11D.8 punctuation, including commas to set off words, phrases, and clauses, and semicolons 7.11D.9 correct spelling, including commonly confused terms such as its/it's, affect/effect, there/their/they're, and to/two/too
7.11E publish written work for appropriate audiences
The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
7.12A compose literary texts such as personal narratives, fiction, and poetry using genre characteristics and craft
7.12B compose informational texts, including multi‐paragraph essays that convey information about a topic, using a clear controlling idea or thesis statement and genre characteristics and craft
7.12C compose multi‐paragraph argumentative texts using genre characteristics and craft 7.12D compose correspondence that reflects an opinion, registers a complaint, or requests information in a business or friendly structure
Thinking about the writing
The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.
8.8 analyze the authors' choices and how they influence meaning; apply author's craft purposefully in writing and speaking.
The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.
8.11A plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as discussion, background reading, and personal interests
8.11B develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by:
8.11B.1 organizing with purposeful structure, including an introduction, transitions, coherence within and across paragraphs, and a conclusion
8.11B.2 developing an engaging idea reflecting depth of thought with specific facts, details, and examples
8.11C revise drafts for clarity, development, organization, style, word choice, and sentence variety
8.11D edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
8.11D.1 complete complex sentences with subject‐verb agreement and avoidance of splices, run‐ons, and fragments
8.11D.2 consistent, appropriate use of verb tenses and active and passive voice
8.11D.3 prepositions and prepositional phrases and their influence on subject‐verb agreement
8.11D.4 pronoun‐antecedent agreement
8.11D.5 correct capitalization
8.11D.6 punctuation, including commas in nonrestrictive phrases and clauses, semicolons, colons, and parentheses
8.11D.7 correct spelling, including commonly confused terms such as its/it's, affect/effect, there/their/they're, and to/two/too
8.11E publish written work for appropriate audiences
The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
8.12A compose literary texts such as personal narratives, fiction, and poetry using genre characteristics and craft
8.12B compose informational texts, including multi‐paragraph essays that convey information about a topic, using a clear controlling idea or thesis statement and genre characteristics and craft
8.12C compose multi‐paragraph argumentative texts using genre characteristics and craft 8.12D compose correspondence that reflects an opinion, registers a complaint, or requests information in a business or friendly structure
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts
The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts-- writing process
The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.
The student is expected to:
(A) plan a first draft by selecting a genre for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as brainstorming, freewriting, and mapping;
(B) develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by: (i) organizing with purposeful structure, including an introduction and a conclusion; and (ii) developing an engaging idea with relevant details;
(C) revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging ideas for coherence and clarity;
D) edit drafts using standard English conventions.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts-- genres
The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
The student is expected to:
(A) compose literary texts, including personal narratives and poetry, using genre characteristics and craft;
(B) compose informational texts, including brief compositions that convey information about a topic, using a clear central idea and genre characteristics and craft;
(C) compose argumentative texts, including opinion essays, using genre characteristics and craft; and
(D) compose correspondence such as thank you notes or letters.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts
The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--writing process.
The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.
The student is expected to:
(A) plan a first draft by selecting a genre for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as brainstorming, freewriting, and mapping;
(B) develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing
(C) revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice
D) edit drafts using standard English conventions
E) publish written work for appropriate audiences.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres.
The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
The student is expected to:
(A) compose literary texts such as personal narratives and poetry using genre characteristics and craft;
(B) compose informational texts, including brief compositions that convey information about a topic, using a clear central idea and genre characteristics and craft; (
C) compose argumentative texts, including opinion essays, using genre characteristics and craft; and
(D) compose correspondence that requests information.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts.
The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--writing process.
The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.
The student is expected to:
(A) plan a first draft by selecting a genre for a particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as brainstorming, freewriting, and mapping;
(B) develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing
(C) revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice
(D) edit drafts using standard English conventions with grade-appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and high-frequency words; and
(E) publish written work for appropriate audiences.
Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres.
The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.
The student is expected to:
(A) compose literary texts such as personal narratives, fiction, and poetry using genre characteristics and craft;
(B) compose informational texts, including brief compositions that convey information about a topic, using a clear central idea and genre characteristics and craft;
(C) compose argumentative texts, including opinion essays, using genre characteristics and craft; and
(D) compose correspondence that requests information.